Il Draaago

Teatro dei Venti (ITA)

Duration: 45’

Performed in Italian, with Hungarian, Romanian and English translation

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Directed by: Stefano Té

With: Alessio Boni, Laura Bruni, Oxana Casolari, Francesca Figini, Davide Filippi, Beatrice Pizzardo, Antonio Santangelo, Cesare Trebeschi

Music and live music by: Igino Luigi Caselgrandi

Director Consultant: Mario Barzaghi

Drama Consultant: Salvatore Sofia

Costumes and props: Teatro dei Venti

Stage Machineries: Teatrini Indipendenti Factory


Photo: Chiara Ferrin, Pierangela Flisi

The show is loosely adapted from The Dragon by Evgenij Schwartz.
The fairy and hellish atmosphere of the original tale, are reproduced through the use of street theater’s techniques: stilts, burning sticks, 7 giant masks, fire-breathing machines, theater, a 5-meter dragon, horse, and stunted other mobile sets.


A Dragon, a small town at the mercy of his power, victims, accomplices and a stranger knight who tries to defeat him. The classic battle between the Knight and the Dragon is the pretext for a show that amazes and catches the attention of children and adults.

In a small town a terrible dragon has plagued the people for over 400 years, making them crazy with fear. The dragon that is always changing his appearance: sometimes he seems a Beast, other times he seems a man, and only rarely he appears as a real fire-spitting Dragon.

Each year, not to burn the city and eat the inhabitants, the Dragon wants rich gifts and great deals. He claims, as the more precious offer, a young, fresh, fragrant girl, which he takes between his claws, draws in his den. No one will never see her again.

This year the chosen girl is called Elsa, a red-cheeks-girl who is Charlemagne’s daughter, a good man, so good that he can not defend the poor girl.
The mayor and his son Henrik are the closest collaborators of the Dragon, and make sure that everything is going according to the plan.
In the middle of the crowd there is a stranger called Lancelot, a pilgrim of whom nothing is known and he is preparing to join the party.
Meanwhile, People’s Voice which is represented by a placid cat, is making comments and remains apart.

But as fairy tales teach: "for each Dragon there is a Rider who is going to kill him." 

Will Lancelot defeat the dragon or will the people rebel against?
This time too "everybody lived happily forever " or something worse is waiting the city?



A production by Teatro dei Venti with the collaboration of CERS and with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region. This project is also made possible thanks to the partnership with ATER Fondazione.



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