Reunification of the Two Koreas

Reunification of the Two Koreas

Joël Pommerat

The Reunification of the Two Koreas has nothing to do with a possible story of a geopolitical substrate, as we would be inclined to think. The title is a false lead. And a beautiful metaphor which only uncovers itself in one of its episodes, the text being a succession of sequences that compose an interesting puzzle about love, of love in the 21st century. The text makes an approach on the couple issues, on intimacy and survival, the seism, splits or conflicts between a man and a woman, of the antagonisms between the two, between them and their own children, between them and the rest of the family. The play of Joël Pommerat is, therefore, a succesion of variations on the love theme. Besides, here is what the director Radu-Alexandru Nica says about the play and about the show: “It is a text that upsets the common sets about love, which renders relative most of the certainties that were induced to us throughout education, social experience etc. This is exactly why the end of each  scene leaves us with bigger question marks than their beginning, there are no clear outcomes, almost all scenes end in the climax of the confrontation or in complete uncertainty. There is nothing coherent to be understood, there only is am immense amount of questions left with no answer, as is the world in which we are living. Each individual is so different and so irreconcilable opposed to the world and to those around him, that a unity can barely be sensed, a «reunification», as the title suggests. Nevertheless, this desideratum, the longing to not be alone and to be aimless in the world, crosses all these beings – lonely planets and  drifting, which are seeking their landmark.”

Radu-Alexandru Nica
(1979, Sibiu) is a theatre historian and one of the most talented Romanian theatre directors of the younger generation. He teaches at the University of Arts in Târgu Mureş and at the Faculty of Theatre and Television of Cluj-Napoca. He directed several performances for the Radu Stanca National Theatre from Sibiu and has been invited to numerous theatres in Romania (Odeon Theatre, Bucharest; Hungarian State Theatre, Cluj-Napoca). His shows toured all around the world from Chicago and Liverpool to München, Gdansk and Tokyo. He received several prizes: for example the Debut Award of Union of Romanian Theatres (UNITER) in 2005 for his show A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and a nomination for the show Moutainbikers in 2012. Since then his work is even more appreciated and he’s been receiving other prestigious awards at festivals all around the country.

The Ioan Slavici Classical Theatre is the most important cultural institution in Arad and the main initiator and promoter of cultural events in the city. It maintains partnerships with several European theatres, participates in events all around the country and abroad, and also hosts numerous guest performances. It is the home of three very relevant festivals that are organised by the theatre’s two departments. These events take place every year and represent an opportunity to showcase reknown theatre companies both from the country and abroad (International Festival of Classical Theatre, Euro-marionette International Festival and International Festival for New Theatre).
Directed by: Radu-Alexandru Nica
Translated by: Vlad Russo
Set designer: Ioana Popescu
Costume designer: Ioana Popescu
Music and sound designer: Vlaicu Golcea
Coreography: Florin Fieroiu
Video: Mihai Păcurar
Light designer: Lucian Moga

Dorina Darie-Peter
Alina Danciu
Cecilia Donat
Mariana Tofan
Carmen Vlaga-Bogdan
Ovidiu Crisan
Andrei Elek
Zoltan Lovas
Ioan Peter

Running time: 100 minutes


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