Earth and Sky

Earth and Sky

„First, one has to know that what is wise and wisdom, what is right and rightness, what is fair and fairness, what is good and goodness refer to one another, having the following mutual rapport: goodness is neither generated, nor created or born; it can however give birth and it gives birth to the good, and the good, if it is good is not created and generated, still it is a born child, goodness’ son. Goodness brings itself to life into good, the same what it, itself, is: existence, knowledge, love, action – pouring them all into good, it receives its entire existence, knowledge, love and action of the good from the heart of goodness, from its most hidden corner and only from it. Good and goodness are nothing but a single goodness, they are entirely identical, begging the fact that one gives birth while the other was born; while also the birth of goodness and the birth made into good are entirely a single essence, a single life.”
Master Eckhart

27 may, 17:00
Main Hall

online tickets

Directed by: Döbrei Dénes, Varga Heni
Set designer: Hegyi Csaba
Costume designer: Varga Tünde
Music composer: Rodolphe Bourotte, Latifa La Forestier
Chorus master: Aida Marc
Light-design: Boris Butorac
Director's assitant: Orbán Enikő

Baczó Tünde, Balázs Attila, Bandi András Zsolt, Borbély B. Emília, Döbrei Dénes, Éder Enikő, Kiss Attila, Kocsárdi Levente, Lőrincz Rita, Magyari Etelka, Mátyás Zsolt Imre, Molnos András Csaba, Tar Mónika, Varga Heni, Gálovits Zoltán

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