Theater as it is

Kovács Bálint - Színház

Some productions are mostly and above all about the theater itself. I think that we can agree on that one, that among these the first place goes to the festivals biggest success, the Serbian National Theater from Novi Sad and their six and a half hour long Seagull, which asks most of the questions that could be asked about theater and all the themes related to it. All four part of the performance tries to think and make us think along different assumptions. But even like this the main question for us stays: is it even possible to get and keep the attention of the public for more than seven hours? (In fact the answer is pretty obvious, even if most of the Hungarian theater-makers won`t belive it: of course it is possible – almost nobody left from the Seagull, even if there was at least three opportunity for that).


Bíró Réka - Játéktér

TESZT 1 - Fesztiválbeszámoló


Színházi színekben a Béga-part város - Temesvári Eurorégiós Színházi Találkozó


TESZT-pack from Serbia

Varga Anikó - Revizoronline.com

One of the most exciting performances of this year came directly from Serbia. Tomi Janezic`s six and a half hour long show, the Seagull (Galeb) is not special because of its length, but because of the way it treats time itself… in a theatrical way. Just as a matter of fact the duration of the show because of some technical difficulties was one and a half hour longer than usual, and if we count the two hours long discussion after, we get 10 hours with the creators of this performance. Usual its not that important to throw around all these numbers related of a show, but in this case, in the way the director treats time, we get not only a new perception of theatrical- or stage time, but it changes the whole role of the spectators too.



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