A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

William Shakespeare

The age in which we are living has no more love, it seems that love has vanished off the face of the Earth, it might be still existing in signs... Everything is on sale and everything can be bought... Sex no longer exists, even this became a commodity... This performance shows that there is, still,  another, very distinct, possibility and change can be found inside us.

Duration of performance: 1h

Nonverbal dance performance

Dramaturgy: Gyarmati Kata

Composer: Andrés Mariano Ortega

Choreography: Gyenes Ildikó, Bóbis László, Budai László

Costumes: Cselényi Nóra

Set design: Ledenyák Andrea

Lights: Majoros Róbert, Bíró Tibor

Sound: Salamon József

Make up: Pászti Ágnes

Stage management: Bíró Alekszandra

Theseu, Oberon: László Sándor

Hippolyta, Titania: Banka Lívia

Demetrius: Kőrösi István

Lysander: Sirmer Zoltán

Hermia: Kokrehel Júlia

Helena: Crnkovity Gabriella

Puck: Elor Emina

Workers: Jankovics Andrea, Figura Terézia, Ferenc Ágota, Balázs Áron, Huszta Dániel, Pongó Gábor, Varga Tamás

Fairies: Hajdú Tamás A.H., Német Attila

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