Urbi et Orbi

Urbi et Orbi

The performance is not suitable for viewers younger than 18 years old!


”The entire confession process is marked by Urban’s irony: on one hand, it seems that we are trapped in a reality show or collective therapy, but on the other, we may regard it as a court hearing because the questions ruthlessly research into the testimonies of witnesses. Guests come onstage one by one from the audience, which is why we can ask ourselves:  Will the next one be me?”

Orcsik Roland


”Amazing, at times shocking scenes – this is the main characteristic of this production, but even during the roughest moments we must continue watching the performance. It’s an almost one hour long sensation which should be lived at least once by everybody. Still, it might not be a feeling, but more of a type of therapy: we hope that everyday problems, which are sometimes shocking, will not be met by us ever. The four actors play their roles exceptionally and manage to persuade us about their guilt and mistakes and, most important, which suffering is enough to pay for our mistakes. ”

Horváth Attila

Textual verbal vocality with the enhanced omission of the play with the same title by Pilinszky János

Technical referent: Úri Attila

Costumes: everybody sleeps in whatever they wish

Photography: Szép György


Móni: Béres Márta

Zsuzsi: Erdély Andrea

Zoltán: Mikes Imre Elek

Tibor: Mészáros Árpád

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