
Egressy Zoltán

Egressy Zoltan tackles with issues which surround us, especially the subject of social migration but from a different point of view. The performance presents and abandoned province town and its lost, neglected souls.

The story itself is shatteringly dramatic, but full of humor, so that the audience’s imagination is put to test. Also contrasting is that the personality of present characters looks unilateral, but in the end we understand that it is actually just the opposite:  the characters are complex and complicated, which is why this texts was so challenging for the actors and the director.

”The pub from Igracs is run by the owner’s daughter and her 25 year old friend, Bow. Beetroot comes here often because he wants to marry Bow, who doesn’t even want to talk about it. Beetroot used to be a policeman, but got suspended due to an illegal procedure and hasn’t worked since. Instead of working, he gives tickets to drivers passing through the village. (...) Other people come to the pub often, too. Satan, usually stays in the corner. Hairpin used to be a taxi driver in Budapest, but he hasn’t worked since his comeback. Even the priest is a regular customer, when he has business in Irgacs. Hairpin’s wife drinks a glass of watered wine, under the pretext that she is actually looking for her husband. One day, a young man from Budapest comes in, wanting to rest for a few days before heading for Portugal. Bow admires Nickname increasingly and falls in love with him. Beetroot finds out about this and threatens Nickname.”

Set and costume design: Csík György

Coreography: Lavro-Gyenes Ildikó

Director's assistant: Ferenc Judit

Make up: Szabó Margit

Lights: Szöllősi László, Majoros Róbert

Sound: Salamon JózsefBíró Tibor

Stage manager: Bíró Alekszandra

Photo: Mikus Csaba



Bow: Elor Emina

Bece: Sirmer Zoltán

Pub owner: Giricz Attila

Beetroot: Huszta Dániel

Priest: Német Attila

Hairpin: Magyar Attila

Woman: Faragó Edit

Satan: Varga Tamás

Wife: Jankovics Andrea

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